avatar movie wiki
avatar movie wiki

Avatarisa2009epicsciencefictionfilmco-produced,co-edited,written,anddirectedbyJamesCameron.ItfeaturesanensemblecastincludingSam ...RDA(Avatar)·ThemesinAvatar·FictionaluniverseofAvatar·Unobtainium,AvatarisanAmericanepicsciencefictionmediafranchise...

《阿凡達3》片長超過3小時電影新概念圖曝光| 詹姆斯卡麥隆

當地8日,《阿凡達》系列電影製片人詹姆斯‧卡麥隆透露,年底將上映的第三部電影片長將比3小時12分鐘的《阿凡達2》放映時間更長,新電影的概念藝術圖揭開 ...

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Avatar (2009 film)

Avatar is a 2009 epic science fiction film co-produced, co-edited, written, and directed by James Cameron. It features an ensemble cast including Sam ... RDA (Avatar) · Themes in Avatar · Fictional universe of Avatar · Unobtainium

Avatar (franchise)

Avatar is an American epic science fiction media franchise created by James Cameron, which began with the eponymous 2009 film. Avatar: The Game · Lego Avatar · Avatar (soundtrack) · Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar Wiki

James Cameron's Avatar Wiki is a community that aims to create the best resource for the Avatar series of movies, and the universe they take place in.

Avatar (film) | Avatar Wiki

Avatar is a science fiction adventure film written and directed by James Cameron and produced by Jon Landau. It stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Stephen ...

柏林的那些電影院,在Kino Intimes看電影

3 小時前 · 沒有想到一部沒台詞的電影,帶來的感受卻如同千言萬語般,那些放心裡的回憶,已經被它悄悄地轉譯成幸福。 #再見機器人#奧斯卡#動畫電影. 5. 0. avatar-avatar.


Welcome to Pandorapedia, the authoritative field guide to the moon of Pandora and the world of Avatar. The Tree of Souls · Yoten · Mudcrawler · Wolf Tick

《阿凡達3》片長超過3小時電影新概念圖曝光| 詹姆斯卡麥隆

當地8日,《阿凡達》系列電影製片人詹姆斯‧卡麥隆透露,年底將上映的第三部電影片長將比3小時12分鐘的《阿凡達2》放映時間更長,新電影的概念藝術圖揭開 ...

The Wikipedia Plot Summary of THE ELECTRIC STATE is pretty ...

4 天前 · The Electric State is almost impressively terrible, In every single way it is an ill conceived mess. From the first 5 minutes it's ...


2009 film directed by James Cameron.

Avatar (franchise)

Avatar is an American epic science fiction media franchise created by James Cameron, which began with the eponymous 2009 film.


Avatarisa2009epicsciencefictionfilmco-produced,co-edited,written,anddirectedbyJamesCameron.ItfeaturesanensemblecastincludingSam ...RDA(Avatar)·ThemesinAvatar·FictionaluniverseofAvatar·Unobtainium,AvatarisanAmericanepicsciencefictionmediafranchisecreatedbyJamesCameron,whichbeganwiththeeponymous2009film.Avatar:TheGame·LegoAvatar·Avatar(soundtrack)·Avatar:FrontiersofPandora,JamesCameron'sAvatarWi...